Advanced search
Explore Advanced search on you LII site
Advanced search techniques allow you to narrow down your results and find exactly what you seek.
Click Advanced Search on your site
Under the advanced search page, type the words you are searching for in the search box.
Click on the dropdown menu labeled "In these fields"
Select the relevant fields where you want the search to focus. You can choose multiple fields if needed.
Check the box labeled "Exact phrase" next to each keyword or phrase to limit the search to exact matches within the selected fields.
Refine your search using ("AND," "OR," "NOT")
AND: To include all specified keywords.
OR: To include any of the specified keywords.
NOT: To exclude specific keywords.
Use the subsequent text boxes and dropdowns to select the appropriate fields. Ensure you check "Exact phrase" where necessary
Filter results by date to refine your results further by entering the start and end dates in the "Date from" and "Date to" fields.
Click the "Search" button to initiate the search.
Last updated