Finding legislation
Explore legislation using these few easy steps
Last updated
Explore legislation using these few easy steps
Last updated
At the top of the page, click on National Legislation or Provincial Legislation.
Narrow your search by clicking on either Current legislation, Recent legislation, Subsidiary legislation, Uncommenced legislation, Repealed legislation, or All legislation.
Current legislation: Legislation that is currently in force. Subsidiary legislation is grouped under each principal Act
Repealed legislation: Legislation that has been repealed and is no longer in force.
Subsidiary legislation: Regulations and other secondary legislation.
Uncommenced legislation: Legislation that has been enacted by a legislative body but has not yet come into effect.
All legislation: A complete list of all legislation including principal Acts, subsidiary, and repealed legislation.
Filter the titles by typing in the filter box.
Type in keywords related to the document you are looking for in the search bar on the legislation listing page and click on the "Search" button to retrieve relevant documents.
To get refined search options, click on "Advanced search" next to the search bar to access additional filters and criteria.
Filter your results on the left side by year, nature, and by first alphabet.