Search inside a document

Conduct in-document search on LawLibrary

This tool allows you to search inside a document.

How to search inside a document

  1. Open the document you wish to search on our website.

  2. Locate the search bar on the left side of the screen.

  3. In the search bar, type the specific keyword or phrase you're looking for within the document.

  4. Click Search.

  5. A list of search results will appear with page numbers and text that contains where the keyword is located within the document.

  1. Scroll and click on the search result that seems relevant to your query and automatically you are taken to the exact page within the PDF where the keyword is found.

  2. Go to the exact page you want to find by clicking on the pages tab on the left side of your screen.

  1. Highlight indicates where your searched keyword appears.

  2. To make a new search, clear the searched phrases and begin searching again.

You've successfully learned how to navigate our documents and efficiently find specific information using our in document search feature.

Last updated